Legal disclaimer

Aight, listen up. So here's the whatever:

  1. Waluigi is my uncle. He is not "a Nintendo character" or whatever. Any resemblance to persons, real or fake, Nintendo or otherwise, is purely coincidental and, yes, you are imagining things.
  2. Not all men named Waluigi are from "Nintendo" or whatever. I will have you know that my very real uncle Waluigi (very real) does, in fact, serve very real beer in the real world (very real beer; real-ness of world still TBD).
  3. You can't sue me just because you're imagining things. Delusion is not a strong basis for a lawsuit. Waluigi himself told me so one time (albeit this was after he'd served us both some very real beers (very real)).
  4. By using this website, you agree to the whatever. So like yeah.

Now it's your turn: